~ by Abrah
- 8.5 stars
- ages 12+
- Pages: 256
Don Richardson, and his wife Carol left all the comforts of home in Canada to live among a the Sawi. A cannibalistic tribe in New Guinea that seems to be trapped in the stone age. As I read through the book I began to think there was no hope for the Sawi. These were a people who celebrate betrayal of friends and treachery as the highest form of good. They celebrated almost everything God declared as evil. They were a people seeped in superstition, hatred, betrayal, and distrust.
As the Richardsons try to communicate the gospel to these people they discover the perfect metaphor for the Gospel in the heart of the Sawi's treacherous traditions! Through this metaphor the Sawi people discover God's love, and the sacrifice of His Son, and are changed forever!
It was exhilarating to see how God blessed the Richardsons as they battled disease, language barriers, and cultural hostility, to finally see the change they prayed for unfold before their eyes!
Negative Elements: (none being best, 5 being worst)
Violence - 3
The Sawi are a people that celebrate cannibalism, and the author does not withhold details, including the means of killing, and the cannibalism that follows. The Sawi often think people are dead, when they are not, which leads them to perform brutal burial ceremonies.
Profanity - none
Romance and Sexuality - none
Other - 1
As previously stated, the Sawi celebrate treachery and brutality.
Closing Comments:
I always appreciate stories that change my life, or strengthen my faith. Peace Child is a book that will definitely strengthened my faith! There truly is a God who hears, and who cares very much for those stuck in bondage to sin. Read this if you want encouraged and inspired!